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The China- ASEAN Training Course on Marine Information Technology Research & Development was held on 19 June - 7 July 2017, Tianjin, China

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The objectives of the training course are:

• To inform basic lectures on marine science, and oceanography news
• To further advance the cooperation: marine science and technology, environmental protection, ICM, disaster prevention, marine data management…
• To build capacity of marine research networking to effectively facilitate the cooperation & development in marine information technology research between ASEAN & China

The main contents of the training course are: Cooperation between China and ASEAN; Introductory oceanography; Integrated ocean and coastal management (ICM) & PEMSEA Programme; Marine disaster prevention and mitigation; Oceanographic data collection, processing and quality control; Marine database establishment; Retrospective & perspective: Ocean navigation, exploration, marine science; Monsson ant its social and ecological impacts; Marine ecological red line demarcation, carbon blue; Brief introduction to UNCLOS; Field trip(s): Wetland Park; Institute of seawater desalination and multipurpose utilization – SOA; MNDIS – SOA; and Interactive discussions: Negotiations skills & conflict management .

The training course was intended for marine researchers; governmental employees in policy & management of marine environment: coast guard, diplomatic officer, international lawyer… There were 21 participants from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

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